all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 3AA 2 52.198324 0.142636
CB1 3AB 0 52.199356 0.142494
CB1 3AD 0 52.199291 0.142873
CB1 3AE 2 52.199848 0.143615
CB1 3AF 0 52.199319 0.143782
CB1 3AG 0 52.20011 0.144771
CB1 3AH 12 52.198018 0.143631
CB1 3AJ 0 52.198622 0.145021
CB1 3AL 0 52.200214 0.14599
CB1 3AN 17 52.197479 0.145842
CB1 3AP 0 52.200284 0.146579
CB1 3AQ 0 52.199583 0.14457
CB1 3AR 0 52.200161 0.146954
CB1 3AS 1 52.198213 0.146743
CB1 3AT 0 52.200177 0.147555
CB1 3AU 0 52.200843 0.148011
CB1 3AW 1 52.198569 0.145487
CB1 3AX 1 52.200302 0.148087
CB1 3AY 0 52.202166 0.147929
CB1 3AZ 0 52.20227 0.149134